
Castles and Palaces of Europe

Castles and palaces of Europe (2012)

Dokumentar | Gjermani

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They dot the countryside of our continent like so many priceless pearls, steeped in history and an aura of mystery: Europe's castles. No other part of the world boasts as many castles and palaces as Europe. These "stone giants" are an integral part of our culture and our landscapes. Some nestled among gently rolling hills, others erected on the banks of raging rivers or on mountain ridges, they are testament to compelling stories and regional identity. Kings and princes built their palaces and summer residences in some of the most beautiful and strategically located spots in Europe. As we follow in their footsteps to visit Europe's best known and most striking castles, our journey will lead us through the Loire Valley in France, to southern Germany, the southeast of England, the Piemont in Italy and along Portugal's coast. Breathtaking aerial views of these landscapes and tantalizing glimpses of their castles will draw viewers in and make them curious to find out what lies behind ...


Castles and Palaces of EuropeCastles and Palaces of EuropeCastles and Palaces of EuropeCastles and Palaces of EuropeCastles and Palaces of Europe


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