God Eater: Lindow Amamiya

ゴッドイーター (2015)

Regjia: Akihiko Uda

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EPISODI: 2 - Lindow Amamiya


Wielding his God Arc, Lenka rashly leaps into action to save Eric who is injured. God Eaters Lindow, Sakuya, and Soma of the First Unit arrive to help, but Aragami Vajra is powerful and Lindow and the unit have their hands full. Ultimately, Lenka is injured and falls unconscious, only to awaken in a holding cell. He is being detained for disobeying orders and is told by Tsubaki, “I should never have let you go.” Meanwhile, there is a girl God Eater who has left the Russian Branch, headed toward the Far East Branch.


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