
Hawaii Five-O: Dealer's Choice... Blackmail

Hawaii Five-O (1977)

Krim, Dramë, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 16 - Dealer's Choice... Blackmail


Officer Sandi Welles has a younger brother about whom she is VERY protective. With good reason: the brother is a chronic gambler fighting a losing battle with addiction and heavily in debt. While trying to sneak into an illegal casino through a back garage, the brother hears a policeman coming in to cover the escape route. The brother hides in the bushes -- and watches in horror as a mobster and his car barrel through the door and run over the cop, who is fatally injured. The brother runs away as McGarrett and his team arrive on the scene. The brother does not want to let Sandi know that he has relapsed into his old gambling habits, so he contacts the mobster and demands hush money to cover his debts. The mobster agrees, but then goes after the brother with a gun.


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