• Extreme Engineering (2003)

    Qendra e qytetit prej 12 miliard dollarsh sht nj vendpushim i mrekullueshm urban. Pritsi Danny Forster eksploron se si ai aspiron të ndryshoj qytetin, por a do...
  • Kontrolli kufitar: Spanja (2016)

    Follows the offers of the Security and Customs Services at the borders of Spain, which are under the constant threat from drugs, weapons, and suspected terrorists.
  • Waterhole: Africa's Animal Oasis (2020)

    The rains hit the waterhole and for the first time in half a year grass begins to grow and water is everywhere, dramatically changing the fortunes for the wild...
  • Supermakina Ideale Përmbledhja (2020)

    Ferrari and Lamborghini race into a new era with their latest supercars - the Ferrari Portofino and the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ.

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