
Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja

Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja (1993)

Vlerësimi: 4.8/10


Jagmohan Jugral (Anupam Kher) kills his twin brother, Manmohan, in order to escape from Customs Officer Verma (Dalip Tahil). In the chase that follows, Jagmohan also kills Verma, and a doctor, Ashok Soni. With their deaths their children, Ramesh and Seema, are orphaned and end up at an orphanage. Both get separated when Seema is adopted by a respected couple. Ramesh runs away from the orphange and is adopted by Girdharilal (Paresh Rawal), a career thief. Ramesh learns all the skills of thievery from Girdharilal. Ramesh (Anil Kapoor) is now grown up a better career thief than Gidharilal, and Seema (Sridevi) too has grown up. Both are on the look-out for Jugral, who is now known as a very respectable citizen. The onus is now on Ramesh and Seema is convince a seemingly ignorant community about the wrong-doing of it's very own respectable citizen.


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