
Beverly Hills 90210: Crimes and Misdemeanors

Beverly Hills, 90210 (1998)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 19 - Crimes and Misdemeanors


Donna's grandmother is hospitalized where she tells Donna that her soul mate is David, who moves out of the Valerie's room at the Walsh house and into Carly's vacant house until he can afford a more inexpensive place. Meanwhile, Kelly alerts Brandon to a potential story about a recently paroled ex-con who explains to Brandon about the mistakes he made that changed his life, which Brandon sees that parallels his own. Also, Steve coaxes Brandon into a double date with two women that run into him at the Peach Pit, unaware that the women are not what they appear to be. Valerie brings in a record executive to the After Dark to hear David and the band, Jasper's Legend, perform at their debut. But Valerie becomes hurt after David tells her that the love song he wrote was about Donna, not her.


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