Vlerësimi: 8.5/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 3/10


EPISODI: 24 - Strange Bedfellows


Fran's nanny colleague, Mona, is retiring. Upon reflection, Fran realizes that Mona is an older version of herself, and Fran doesn't like what she sees in her future. The worst vision is that she has no nanny career once Grace graduates from high school. Fran decides to drown her sorrows, and upon arriving back at the house in a drunken stupor, she stumbles into the wrong bedroom and the wrong bed. Although Niles and C.C. find Fran in Maxwell's bed, Maxwell himself, while still concerned about why and how Fran got there, is more concerned about what he learns is her worries for the future. Two things end up cheering Fran up. First, Mona announces that her boss is marrying her, again which Fran foresees as her possible future. And second, Maxwell offers her lifelong security, but not quite in the form she was expecting.


The NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe NannyThe Nanny


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