
Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan: Maruti Challenges Chakrasur

Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan (2015)

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EPISODI: 62 - Maruti Challenges Chakrasur


Chakrasur is unable to bear the sound produced by the damru and is forced to flee the scene. Later, the locals decide to take Maruti back to the kingdom but Maruti insists on staying until the locals are completely ridden of Chakrasur and his terror. Maruti asks the locals to join together and form a team to fight Chakrasur. He informs them about Chakrasur's weakness and asks the locals to start preparing damrus. Chakrasur, on the other hand, starts to feel weak and swallows the entire sea to gain strength. Maruti sees this and is worried that Chakrasur might swallow the trees too.


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