
Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan: Sugreev Meets Maruti

Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanumaan (2015)

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EPISODI: 55 - Sugreev Meets Maruti


Kishkinda Naresh Vrikshraj arrives at Sumeru kingdom along with his son Sugreev. Sugreev and Maruti are thrilled to see each other. Maruti's excitement further increases when Vrikshraj gifts him a damru. Meanwhile, Maruti's friends become upset as Maruti is prohibited from leaving the kingdom and they decide to pray to Lord Varuna to help them reunite with him. A while later, Vrikshraj and Kesari are seen discussing about a deadly demon named Chakrasur that arrives in the form of a tornado and ruins everything that comes his way. Will Maruti manage to reunite with his friends? Will Maruti be responsible for Chakrasur's end?


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