Eyeshield 21: The Will Of A Warrior

アイシールド21 (2007)

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EPISODI: 116 - The Will Of A Warrior


Sena grabs the ball and is about to score a touchdown when Agon gets in the way. Agon is about to strike down Sena, but when Agon suddenly insults the Devil Bats' dreams of going to the Christmas Bowl, Sena's newfound fury gets the best of him, and he tries to attack Agon. Agon chops Sena's arm away, and then tries to stop Sena, who uses the Devil Bat Ghost to get away. Agon chases after Sena, who suddenly realizes that the God Speed Impulse won't work on something Agon can't see, so he pushes down on Agon's helmet in his blind spot. Sena actually slams Agon's head into the ground and scores a touchdown, making the score 35:28.


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