Magi: Smile

マギ (2013)

Regjia: Shinobu Otaka

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EPISODI: 17 - Smile


Aladdin briefly restores Alibaba's sword, allowing to dive deep into the Dark Djinn and meet Cassim in spirit, learn the reasons behind his friend's hatred and convince him to give up on his revenge. Cassim's body then returns to normal, but he dies by the effects of the transformation. After the weapon dealer takes Judar away and send him to his masters, the organization "Al-Thamen", his body is destroyed by Sinbad who had his metal vessels returned to him by the thieves who stole it. Aladdin's power also allows the people of Balbadd to have a short meeting with the spirits of their late friends and loved ones, including Alibaba, who meets his father and mother, along Cassim and his deceased sister one last time. With no reason left to fight, the rebellion is Balbadd is finally suppressed.


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