Magi: Wisdom of Solomon

マギ (2013)

Regjia: Shinobu Otaka

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EPISODI: 16 - Wisdom of Solomon


Now transformed into a Dark Djinn, Kassim takes advantage of Alibaba's reluctance to kill him and breaks his sword. Sinbad tries to weaken Kassim until he is restrained by Judar, who joins the battle and takes control of Kassim. Fueled by all the Black Rukh created by the turmoil in Balbadd, Judar and Kassim overpower Alibaba, but just as they are about to kill him, Aladdin appears to stand in their way. Enveloped by a huge mass of untainted Rukh, Aladdin deflects Judar's attacks and asks for Alibaba's help to save Kassim.


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