
Xhorxhi Kureshtar: Curious George vs. Winter

Curious George (2007)

Animacion, Familjar, Komedi, Aventurë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 60 - Curious George vs. Winter


It is early winter in the country and George wants to play outside. But the problem is he has toys for summer and snow but no toys for just plain cold. He decides he will have fun by playing with Bill's bunnies but Bill is taking them to his grandmother's house for the entire winter. Bill wants him to leave out nuts and seeds for Jumpy Squirrel all winter and George wants to find a way to have fun in the winter cold. Later, after he sees how the water in his pool is frozen, he finds a way to have fun outdoors AND give Jumpy the food he needs.


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