Doug: Doug: Oh, Baby

Doug (1997)

Animacion, Komedi, Dramë, Familjar, Fantazi, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Jim Jinkins

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EPISODI: 23 - Doug: Oh, Baby


Doug begins to worry that the new baby Cleopatra Dirtbike will end up being another Judy, and Judy is afraid she'll grow up to be like Doug. So the two set out to shape the baby's personality. When Phil and Theda go out for an evening, Judy and Doug are left to babysit and don't want the other to be left alone with Dirtbike. But when their fighting leaves Dirtbike alone in Mr. Dink's house, they realize they are going to have to co-operate to get her out.


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