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Ska rishikime
  • NCIS: LA (2009)

    The Naval Criminal Investigation Service's Office of Special Projects takes on the undercover work and the hard to crack cases in LA. Key agents are G. Callen and...
  • Havai Pesë-0 (2010)

    Një njësi elitare policore është mbledhur për të luftuar krimet në shtetin e 50-të të Amerikës.
  • Ligj dhe rregull (1990)

    The show follows a crime, ususally adapted from current headlines, from two separate vantage points. The first half of the show concentrates on the investigation...
  • FBI: Most Wanted (2020)

    From Emmy Award winner Dick Wolf and the team behind FBI (2018) and the Law and Order franchise, FBI: Most Wanted is a high-stakes drama that focuses on the...

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