
The Pacific: Basilone

The Pacific (2010)

Luftë, Dramë, Aksion, Histori | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Australi
Regjia: David Nutter

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Vlerësimi: 8.2/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 10/10


EPISODI: 2 - Basilone


By October 1942, the Marines on Guadalcanal are fighting hunger and the jungle as well as the Japanese. The arrival of an Army unit helps somewhat but the Marines realize just how under-equipped they are by comparison. The Japanese are reinforcing their troops with ease and the men are facing nightly attacks at Henderson Field. Sgt. John Basilone takes charge during a particularly powerful Japanese attack and is recommended for a medal. He loses a close friend however. Back home Eugene Sledge, no longer needing his father's permission to sign up, announces he is going to enlist in the Marines.


The PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe PacificThe Pacific


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