Secrets of the National Trust With Alan Titchmarsh: Hardwick Hall

Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh (2017)

Природа, Историски, Документарец | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Matt Cottingham, Jamie Hammick

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сезона: 2

епизода: 1 - Hardwick Hall


Alan visits Hardwick Hall, the magnificent Derbyshire home of Bess of Hardwick, to tell the story of how she rose from humble beginnings to become the secondmost powerful woman in Elizabethan England. Continuing the family history, Miriam O'Reilly visits nearby Stainsby Mill, Jenni Bond travels to the copper mines at Ecton and Peter Peter Purves visits Oxburgh Hall in Norfolk, where Bess once held Mary, Queen of Scots, in custody.


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