
The Mézga Family is on Holiday: Buried alive

Vakáción a Mézga-család (1980)

Режисер: József Nepp, Béla Ternovszky

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сезона: 1

епизода: 9 - Buried alive


Geza Mezga and his son, Aladar, escape from the shooting location with a hot air balloon, so the big meeting is missed. But the money is gone too, because Geza accidentally throws it out of the basket. Paula pays Maris neighbour with the dollars she has left, and because the many $ 100 bills makes her suspicious, they disappear with Kriszta. It is too late because Interpol is already on their trail due to the counterfeit money. Maris neighbour is captured first but Paula and Kriszta are being observed. They are allowed to travel to India so they can be followed ....


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