Unreported World: The Battle for Ivory Coast

Unreported World (2011)

Документарец, Информативен | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Daniel Bogado, Edward Watts

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 12

епизода: 8 - The Battle for Ivory Coast


Reporter Seyi Rhodes and director Alex Nott arrive in Abidjan, the commercial capital of the Ivory Coast in West Africa, to report on the escalating political crisis. Instead they find themselves one of the few television crews to be there as terrifying violence tears apart a city that had been described as the Paris of West Africa.

For four months President Laurent Gbagbo has clung to power - despite losing elections. As the team arrives fighters loyal to Alassane Outtara, who has won the UN-backed elections, are advancing towards the presidential palace.


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