
Living Single: Another Saturday Night

Living Single (1995)

Режисер: Ellen Gittelsohn, Rae Kraus

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сезона: 2

епизода: 22 - Another Saturday Night


Kyle is thrilled when he is asked to serve as escort to a beautiful princess who is doing business with his company, but finds that security precautions cramp his style. Overton enlists the help of Khadijah and ""secret weapon"" Synclaire to gain revenge on a pair of pool hustlers. Regine exposes Max's jealousy concerning Kyle and the princess by claiming that the two are pictured in the society pages. She cackles when Max tears through the paper. Max announces that she will ease Regine's boredom by taking her along to watch Max get a tattoo, but her bravado fades considerably when she sees the needles.

Tag: Kyle says good night to Hellura's bodyguard after date.


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