
Secrets of World War II: The Bruneval Raid

Secrets of World War II (1998)

Документарец | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Jonathan Martin

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.2/10

сезона: 1

епизода: 5 - The Bruneval Raid


In June 1942 two German U-Boats landed secret agents on Long Island and at Jacksonville, Florida. Their aim was sabotage, but their methods left a lot to be desired.

Глас: Robert Powell
Продуцент: Jonathan Martin, Philip Nugus
времетраење: 52 мин


Secrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War IISecrets of World War II


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