Vlerësimi: 6.6/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 6/10


Alec Baldwin, Emilio Estevez. Një mosbindje civile përshkallëzohet keqas kur një grup të pastrehësh refuzojnë të largohen nga Biblioteka publike, për t'i shpëtuar temperaturave të ulëta që kanë kapluar vendin.


Ska rishikime
  • It Happened on This Very Day (1987)

    Belgrade in 1963. In a yard surrounded by buildings, a group of young people of different backgrounds and social status, but of similar views about love and...
  • Mommy (2014)

    Forty-six year old Diane Després - "Die" - has been widowed for three years. Considered white trash by many, Die does whatever she needs, including strutting her...
  • Nina in Rome (2012)

    Nina accepts a dog-sitting job in Rome for the summer. She thought she would never fall in love again but everything changes when she meets Fabrizio, a young...
  • Ward Six (1978)

    A doctor from provincial town in Tsardom of Russia meets his former student in Ward 6, where the story takes place. Impressed by his rebellious spirit and clever...

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