The Tunisian-French Laura is a young woman that lives with her Orthodox Jewish family in the Jewish community in the suburbs of Paris. Her mother is a widow that left Tunisia; her sister Mathilde is having troubles in her marriage because she repressed her sexual desire based on her misunderstandings of the principles of her religion. Laura is an open minded student of philosophy and works cleaning a school in the nightshift. While Laura feels a strong passion and desire for her Muslin Algerian colleague, her sister finds that her husband had an affair with a woman and looks for an advisor that helps her to interpret the true meaning of love and the duties of a married woman.


Ska rishikime
  • Dashuria djeg (2018)

    Bazuar në një tregim të Haruki Murakamit. Pasi mikesha e tij kthehet nga pushimet në Afrikë e shoqëruar me një djalë të pasur e të sofistikuar, një i ri introvert...
  • E uritura (2016)

    Familjarët e Xhastinës janë veterinerë vegjetarianë. Kur edhe ajo nis studimet e veterinarisë, njeh një botë me të cilën kërkon doemos të përshtatet, ndaj shkel...

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