Vlerësimi: 3.1/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 7.3/10
(32 Voto)


When most of the population of Earth is infected with a virus and transformed into flesh eaters and blood drinking creatures, a group of hunters led by Tao chases the vampire zombies to eliminate them. Six non-infected survivors try to find the exit of an abandoned hospital crowded with the infected creatures, and Tao and his group help them. Meanwhile, the military command is ready to bomb the area and wipe it from the map.


Against the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the DarkAgainst the Dark


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