
Lost Ones

Verlorene (2018)

Dramë | Gjermani

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18-year-old Maria lives with her younger sister Hannah and their father Johann in a small village in the southern German province. Since their mother died many years ago, she feels responsible for her family and sacrifices herself as a protector and elder sister who in fact is rebelly planning to break out of the village and beloved daughter of the family. One day the traveling carpenter Valentin arrives in the village and finds a job with her father. A secret love quickly develops between the two young people, but the closer he gets to her, the more she withdraws. Because she keeps a dark family secret that she is prepared to sacrifice her happiness,- She already has a man in her life who seeks her nearness without asking: her own father. Then Hannah learns to the truth and decides to save her sister, if need be, even against Mary's will.


Lost OnesLost OnesLost OnesLost OnesLost OnesLost OnesLost Ones


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