
Friesland: Irrfeuer

Friesland (2017)

Krim | Gjermani
Regjia: Markus Sehr

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Vlerësimi: 6.9/10


EPISODI: 4 - Irrfeuer


The 'pagan tradition' fire feast Leer's new municipal tourism officer Torben Martmann to attract visitors to the East Frisian coast ends in horror as beat cops Jens Jensen and Süher Özlügül -who dates Torben's son Matthias Martmann - must call upon the firemen -including Mathias- as a burning corpse in seen inside the straw effigy. Commissioner Jan Brockhorst, unwillingly dispatched from the nearby city to supervise the investigation, arrives in a smoldering mess. Jens fears the binoculars in the ashes belong to his ecologist girlfriend ornithologist Klara Wachstieg, but the victim is Sabine Feig, willing co-owner of the land destined as bird sanctuary, while her co-heir brother Bertram wants to turn it into a camping site. Brockhorst is badly skull-hurt by a masked intruder in the history society's dusty archive checking up the place where the authentic Celtic stones with pagan symbols for the four elements were stolen from and buried at the beach, now stolen again, and the symbols are painted all over town, perhaps just for the local 'pagan' rock band. Undertaker and local historian Wolfgang Habedanks reluctantly accepts to nurse Brockhorst at home, while pharmacist Insa Scherzinger examines the burnt corpse in his morgue and he serves pot cakes. Jens and Süher, their dates and persons related to them may all be involved in unsavory ways.




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