
My Life on a Plate: Colin Jackson

My Life on a Plate (2015)

Dokumentar, Gatim | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Matt Stewart

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EPISODI: 10 - Colin Jackson


Colin Jackson invites chef Brian Turner to accompany him to Cardiff's fresh food market, where his mother used to take him to as a child, and he still shops at today. Jackson's culinary upbringing combined the staples of Caribbean cuisine with produce from the local larder and Brian finds plenty to inspire him as he sets about creating a dish full of nostalgia for the former professional athlete.


My Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a PlateMy Life on a Plate


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