
Making of a Model with Yolanda Hadid

Making of a Model with Yolanda Hadid (2018)

Reality show | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Former model and television personality Yolanda Hadid knows what it takes to be a big name in the modeling business as the mother agent to fashion's "IT" girls Gigi and Bella, and model son Anwar. Model Moms brings Yolanda and her expertise to the forefront as she coaches aspiring teen models to succeed on and off the catwalk. Yolanda, along with her trusted team of experts, will put the girls and their "momagers" through an intensive eight-week training program, focused on the physical, mental and emotional wellness that it takes to build a sustainable brand. With a $5,000 weekly prize on the line to put towards their future careers, only one girl will be left standing to win a management contract with Yolanda's company and the potential opportunity to be represented by IMG Models in New York.


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