The year is eight hundred and fifty. Early Middle Ages. The principality is ruled by the Croatian prince Mrkomir, extremely greedy, but at the same time naive, so his greed often leads him to defeat. He is illiterate, but how he pretends to know how to read depends on Slavomir, who performs several duties at court, from a cup bearer, advisor to head of the KOA secret service (Principality operative agency). Slavomir often uses his position and the trust that Mrkomir has in his judgment to increase his wealth and influence. Mrkomir, on the other hand, has the biggest problem with being a vassal of the Franks, and he desperately desires independence that would fulfill his long-held dream - his principality would become a kingdom, and he would become the king. But, in order to fulfill that dream, he would have to prove himself in combat and in politics, but also he'll need to give up the huge loans he receives from the Franks. Any similarity with today's time is not accidental.


Mrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir lMrkomir l


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