
Joey: Joey and the Snowball Fight

Joey (2006)

Komedi, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 14 - Joey and the Snowball Fight


Joey has seen Alex started a relationship with his neighbor-friend-lover Alex, which he officially dumped, and feels jealous, but wrestles with the dating honor-code which forbids moving in on a mate's girl... Meanwhile Bobbie has arranged for Joey to get his own action figure on sale, but the Korean manufacturer got his anatomy embarrassingly wrong; second version no better but... Yet the dominant problem is that Gina announces another pregnancy, again with accidental father Jimmy, who is shocked but tries in his way to do the right thing. Michael hasn't decided yet whether to tell Jimmy he already has a son, and is still discarded as a 'weird kid'...


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