Raven of the Inner Palace: The Whistle

後宮の烏 (2022)

Animacion, Dramë, Mister | Japoni

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EPISODI: 3 - The Whistle


Huaniang, the high-ranking inner palace consort who lives at Yuanqian Palace, comes to Ye Ming Palace. She wants to know why her flower whistle will not blow. Flower whistles are hung from the eaves of buildings at the end of winter to mourn those who passed away the previous year. Allegedly the dead return on winds announcing the coming of spring to blow the whistles. Huaniang is concerned that her whistle has not blown since she lost her lover Ou Xuanyou. Shouxue complies with her request and attempts to summon the soul of Ou Xuanyou so she can speak to him.


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