
The Athena: Dads, Mums And Broken Things

The Athena (2019)

Familjar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Isabelle Sieb

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EPISODI: 3 - Dads, Mums And Broken Things


Nyela's doing a modelling job for a new label. The job is in Chippenham - Sam's hometown - so he gives her a lift. Nyela gets an offer to be the face of the fashion label but Sam's younger sister Nancy makes her realise where her heart truly lies. Nancy thinks that Sam and Nyela would make a cute couple, then Sam's ex-girlfriend, Satori, shows up - but although Nyela's dreams of a road trip romance don't quite come true in the way she hoped, maybe she's made a step in the right direction?


The AthenaThe AthenaThe AthenaThe AthenaThe AthenaThe AthenaThe AthenaThe AthenaThe AthenaThe Athena


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