• Am Anschlag - Die Macht der Kränkung (2021)

    A normal day in the shopping center "Sunshine City" - then shots are fired. In six episodes, the drama series tells the story of the people involved and their...
  • Ligj dhe rregull (1990)

    The show follows a crime, ususally adapted from current headlines, from two separate vantage points. The first half of the show concentrates on the investigation...
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999)

    This show delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit, investigate and prosecute various...
  • Chicago P.D. (2014)

    District 21 of the Chicago Police Department is made up of two distinctly different groups. There are the uniformed cops who patrol the beat and go head-to-head...

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