
Alexander's Lost World

Alexander's Lost World (2013)

Dokumentar, Aventurë, Histori, Mister | Australi, Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Uzbekistan, Afganistan, Taxhikistan, Turkmenistan

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Vlerësimi: 7.7/10

Did Alexander the Great really build sixteen cities in Afghanistan, or was he the destroyer of a far more ancient civilization? David Adams goes in search of the most alluring of them all - Alexandria on the Oxus. The Ancient Greeks have long been credited for bringing civilization to the East. In fact it appears to be the other way round. Alexander discovered a highly developed civilization - a lost world - that pre-dated even the Persians. As Adams unravels the mysteries of the Oxus Civilizations, its great fortress cities are dramatically recreated in stunning CGI. Traveling through the most remote regions of Afghanistan unarmed, Adams and his Cameraman live as everyday Afghans gaining a most unique insight into the people and our shared heritage.

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