Vlerësimi: 7.3/10
  • Episodi 1.
    With Just That, I Feel Like I Could Keep On Running Forever
  • Episodi 2.
    I Want to be Part of the Dream
  • Episodi 3.
    Playing Soccer with You is Super Fun, You Idiot
  • Episodi 4.
    I Want to Put My Life on the Line to Live
  • Episodi 5.
    That's Why I Will Keep On Running, Kazama-kun
  • Episodi 6.
    Running for Someone: That`s the Kind of Soccer I Want to Play
  • Episodi 7.
    I Wish I Could Repay My Debt, If But a Little
  • Episodi 8.
    If He Gets Into It, He Will Become a Bullet
  • Episodi 9.
    We'll Get the Ball Over to Where Your Voice Can Reach Us in No Time
  • Episodi 10.
    I Won`t Be Defeated by Such a Tiny Setback
  • Episodi 11.
    In Order to Connect These Gleaming Days to the Future
  • Episodi 12.
    I Won't Let Anyone Be Disappointed Again
  • Episodi 13.
    You Just Need to Look Forward
  • Episodi 14.
    Give Everything to Take My Spot Away from Me
  • Episodi 15.
    I`m Sure I Can`t Stay at Seiseki Any Longer
  • Episodi 16.
    The Endless Waves That Keep Crashing In
  • Episodi 17.
    I Love This Team
  • Episodi 18.
    Tell Me, Kimishita: You Can Do It, Right?
  • Episodi 19.
    Come with Me. It`s a Straight Shot to Nationals
  • Episodi 20.
    Don't Underestimate Seiseki
  • Episodi 21.
    Isn't Soccer a Blast?
  • Episodi 22.
    Right Now, I'm Seiseki's Captain
  • Episodi 23.
    I'm a Member of Seiseki's Soccer Team, Too
  • Episodi 24.

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