• Deadly Tropics (2019)

    On the Caribbean island of Martinique, in the middle of the tropics, several mysterious murders occur. Now it is up to the two investigators Mélissa Sainte-Rose...
  • Morden im Norden (2012)

    Finn Kiesewetter had left the police force to convert to an organic farm. But after a fire destroyed it, Finn found himself ruined and forced to return to law...
  • Agatha Christie's Criminal Games (2009)

    In 1930s France, Superintendent Larosière has a passion for beautiful women and solving cases, while hapless young inspector Lampion just tries to keep up. Later...
  • Familja Hanter (2017)

    Maksi është pjestari më i ri i familjes misterioze Hanter. Ai duhet të bashëpunojë me vëllezërit e motrat e tij Anika, Sal, Tess dhe Daniel, për të gjetur...

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