
HPI: Haut Potentiel Intellectuel

HPI: Haut Potentiel Intellectuel (2023)

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One night, while working as a cleaning lady in a police station, Morgane can't resist "tidying up" the elements on an investigation board. When the cops return the next day, they realize she's brought them a giant step closer to finding the suspect. It turns out Morgane has High Intellectual Potential. But her 160 IQ has never really helped Morgane in her everyday life. After questioning her and testing her method, the police decide to bring her on board to help them track down and catch highly intelligent criminals. Despite the mismatched duo she forms with the brigade's captain, their first joint effort is a success. Morgane strikes a deal with the cops: she agrees to work for them, but in exchange they have to work for her, reopening a missing persons investigation into her first love, who vanished fifteen years ago, when she was pregnant with her first child.


HPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel IntellectuelHPI: Haut Potentiel Intellectuel


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