• CHiPs (1977)

    "CHiPs," which stood for California Highway Patrol, followed the daily beats of two state motorcycle patrolmen as they patrolled the freeway system in and around...
  • The Six Million Dollar Man (1974)

    When ace test pilot Colonel Steve Austin's test plane crashed, he was nearly dead. Deciding that "we have the technology to rebuild this man", the government...
  • The A-Team (1983)

    At the end of their stint in Vietnam, Col. John "Hannibal" Smith and his team were framed for robbing the Bank of Hanoi (which they had done, but under orders),...
  • Quincy (1976)

    Quincy and Sam are working as Coroners. Inspecting dead people they often see facts that don't match the theories of the police how or if really they were murdered.

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