FILMA Faqja 76

  • Diving Off Cape Horn

    e diel



    Diving Off Cape Horn

    Mid-July, during the Antarctic winter when night-time temperatures sink to -20ºC, marks the beginning of the Centolla season on Tierra del Fuego. Spider crabs can grow up to a half meter long and may only be caught...

  • Udhëtim në vendin e ëndrrave

    e diel



    Udhëtim në vendin e ëndrrave

    Udhëtim në vendin e ëndrrave (2018)

    Dokumentar, Dokumentar me skenar dhe regji nga Ivana Tomço. Për Kanadanë, një nga vendet më të begata në botë, me politikat më sociale e mikpritëse, ku kanë gjetur shtëpinë e tyre të dytë edhe mijëra shqiptarë.

  • Edible Insects

    e diel



    Edible Insects

    Edible Insects (2021)

    Takes a tasty look at insect foods that could benefit our health and our warming planet.

  • Her Word Against His

    e diel



    Her Word Against His

    Parole contre Parole (2017)

    Laura has a promising career as a young auctioneer, but her life looks set to fall apart when she's the victim of a rape.

  • An American in Rome

    e diel



    An American in Rome

    Un americano a Roma (1954)

    Nando Moriconi is a young Italian living in Rome. He is fond for everything coming from the United States. He tries to speak American-English, to wear clothes he thinks Americans wear, to walk like John Wayne, and to...

  • Coco Chanel

    e diel



    Coco Chanel

    Coco Chanel (2008)

    Disa vite pas largimit nga jetimorja, ku babai i saj e kishte braktisur, e reja Gabrielle Chanel e gjen veten duke punuar në një bar provincial. Ajo është rrobaqepëse dhe këngëtare, duke marrë nofkën Coco nga kënga që...

  • Le più belle fiabe dei fratelli Grimm: Fratellino e sorellina

    e diel



    Le più belle fiabe dei fratelli Grimm: Fratellino e sorellina

    Brüderchen und Schwesterchen (2008)

    After Brüderchen and Schwesterchen (German for young/dear brother viz. sister's mother's death, their dad finds a new wife and mother for them. But she's a witch, who poisons him and reduces the siblings to slaves for...

  • Japon Isi

    e diel



    Japon Isi

    Japon İşi (1987)

    Veysel loves a singer named Basak. But she don't loves him. One day Veysel saves the life of a Japanese tourist. Tourist sends to Veysel a gift from Japan. The gift is a robot like singer Basak.

  • The Tigers of Scotland

    e diel



    The Tigers of Scotland

    The Tigers of Scotland (2017)

    The Tigers of Scotland is a feature length documentary by Wild Films Ltd and narrated by Iain Glen. It focuses on the fragile existence of the Scottish Wildcats, their status and what conservation efforts are being...

  • Unë dhe Marli

    e diel



    Unë dhe Marli

    Marley & Me (2008)

    O.Wilson, J.Aniston. Historia e Marlit, një qeni Labrador dhe të zotërve të tij, e lidhjes së papërshkrueshme që krijohet mes njeriut dhe kafshës dhe mënyrës sesi një qen i prapë si Marli, arrin të nxjerrë në pah më...

  • Toto and Cleopatra

    e diel



    Toto and Cleopatra

    Totò e Cleopatra (1963)

    Mark Antony has a brother-lookalike, Totonno, a sinister slave trader. Totonno secretly replaces Mark Antony in the most delicate moments.

  • Lepuri shpëtimtar

    e diel



    Lepuri shpëtimtar

    Der kleine Medicus - Geheimnisvolle Mission im Körper (2014)

    Ndiqni aventurat e lepurit.

  • Rheinklang erleben - Das Rheingau Musik Festival 2023

    e diel



    Rheinklang erleben - Das Rheingau Musik Festival 2023

    Rheinklang erleben - Das Rheingau Musik Festival 2023 (2023)

  • Rumors

    e diel




    Rumeurs (2014)

    A teacher is suspected of engaging in a 'special relationship' with a pupil. When said pupil disappears, the rumour gains momentum. Especially because two years earlier, another of the teacher's teenage pupils also...

  • Große Pötte und schwere Lasten - Malochen im Hamburger Hafen

    e diel



    Große Pötte und schwere Lasten - Malochen im Hamburger Hafen

    Große Pötte und schwere Lasten - Malochen im Hamburger Hafen (2016)

Emri « 1 2 3 ... 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 ... 92 93 94 » Mbiemri

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