
La crise

La crise (1992)

Komedi, Dramë, Muzikë | Itali, Francë

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When Victor finds out one morning that his wife had left him and that she had forgotten to at least buy milk for the Kids, he finds that things can only get worse. Having also been fired from his job on the very same day, he ends up searching through a list of friends and family for someone who will listen to his grief and give some advice. The only person who does give him attention is a rather clumsy and not too intelligent street pauper called Michou. Victor finds Michou irritating and only finally comes to see him in a positive light when he starts to realise that his insensitivity to those closest to him has been major reason for all his troubles.


Rishikuar nga Filip
e premte, 28 qershor 2024 2:36 e pasdites
Očito naklonjena filmskom tematiziranju problema suvremenih obitelji, autorica je 1992. prema vlastitom scenariju snimlila još jedan film u čijem je središtu sredovječni muškarac na životnoj prijelomnici.

Prepun satiričnih žaoka na konvencionalno poimanje obitelji, te superioran u svojim britkim i duhovitim dijalozima, film La Crise potvrdio je Coline Serreau kao jednu od vodećih francuskih filmašica čije su radovi ne samo umjetnički zaokružene cjeline, već i iznimno komunikativna... (më shumë)
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