The Demon Headmaster: Routine, Order, Restraint

The Demon Headmaster (2019)

Dramë, Familjar, Fantazi, Horror | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Vlerësimi: 8.8/10


EPISODI: 8 - Routine, Order, Restraint


Blake doesn't feel fully accepted by the gang and is angry at the Headmaster always being a step ahead, so he takes action himself, leaving the gang in an unprecedented situation. They seemingly have the Headmaster contained, but they know it won't be for long. The gang try to incite a full-on rebellion at Hazelbrook, but the Headmaster has a contingency plan in place and it pits Lizzie, Tyler, Blake and Angelika against their parents.


The Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon HeadmasterThe Demon Headmaster


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