
The Little Drummer Girl

The Little Drummer Girl (2018)

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A bomb, delivered in a suitcase, goes off inside the house of an Israeli attaché in West Germany. A team of Israelis seek to put an end to the increasing number of bombings, all of which are masterfully thought out by an elusive Palestinian. The Israelis identify an eccentric English actress and manage to turn her into one of their agents, with whose help she brilliantly wins the confidence of the Palestinian network until she is accepted as one of their own.


The Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer GirlThe Little Drummer Girl


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