

Madoff (2016)

Biografi, Krim, Dramë, Histori | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Respected Wall Street fixture Bernie Madoff has a secret. Beneath the image of devoted husband, loving father, and admired community leader, he is a thief with a criminal enterprise hes been running for decades. While the family business he runs on his offices 19th floor is a legitimate financial firm, the supposedly exclusive investment fund he runs down on the mysterious, off-limits 17th floor is actually a pure fraud - a Ponzi scheme. When a clients blunder threatens to expose Madoffs secret, he is forced to seduce a hedge fund to invest, setting in motion the forces that take his scam from the millions to the billions of dollars. The first of a two-part fact-based drama, starring Richard Dreyfuss.


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