EPISODI: 7 - Audi R8


Two decades ago, Audi was an outsider in the sports car world. Now, over a dozen Le Mans wins later, the brand is taking what they've learned from racing and applying it to the street. Enter the Audi factory in Neckarsulm, Germany, where highly trained craftspeople are building the second generation R8 V10 Plus, the fastest production machine to ever wear the four rings. See how this $180,000+ speedster's radical style, game-changing reliability, and heady performance helped transform not only the supercar class, but Audi itself.


Cry Havoc / TBCSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar SuperbuildSupercar Superbuild


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