EPISODI: 4 - Exposed


Where the edges of mountains, forests, rivers and oceans create limitations on hunting grounds for predators, the hunters are forced to specialize, develop unexpected strategies and display incredible fortitude. In this hour, our perception of some of the most iconic predators will be turned upside down, and we'll be introduced to a few surprising carnivores. We'll witness remarkable altruism among African lions … meet predatory birds who dance for their dinner, and see marine mammals hunt on land. Nothing is what it seems at The Edge, and the predators that live in these harsh arenas are pushed beyond their limits every day.


Secret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of PredatorsSecret Life of Predators


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