
The New Adventures of Old Christine: Love Means Never Having to Say You're Crazy

The New Adventures of Old Christine (2009)

Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Andy Ackerman

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EPISODI: 8 - Love Means Never Having to Say You're Crazy


Christine sets Richard up on a date with a gorgeous, passionate woman who works out at her gym, while Richard's friend, Tom, continues trying to woo Christine.


The New Adventures of Old ChristineThe New Adventures of Old ChristineNove avanture stare Christine 03Nove avanture stare Christine 04Nove avanture stare Christine 05Nove avanture stare Christine 06Nove avanture stare Christine 07Nove avanture stare Christine 08Nove avanture stare Christine 09Nove avanture stare Christine 10Nove avanture stare Christine 11Nove avanture stare Christine 12Nove avanture stare Christine 13Nove avanture stare Christine 14Nove avanture stare Christine 16


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