
Later... With Jools Holland: Snow Patrol, Tom Jones, Eliza Carthy, and Friendly Fires

Later... With Jools Holland (2008)

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EPISODI: 5 - Snow Patrol, Tom Jones, Eliza Carthy, and Friendly Fires


Snow Patrol make a welcome return to the studio to perform a song or two from their album A Hundred Million Suns, the follow-up to the million-selling Eyes Open.

The legendary Tom Jones cracks out a number from his album 24 Hours, which features his songwriting debut, while Eliza Carthy, daughter of British folk heroes Martin Carthy and Norma Waterson, performs songs from her acclaimed album Dreams of Breathing Underwater. St Albans threesome Friendly Fires make their show debut, with songs from their self-titled debut album.


Later... With Jools HollandLater... With Jools HollandLater... With Jools HollandLater... With Jools HollandLater... With Jools HollandLater... With Jools HollandLater... With Jools HollandLater... With Jools Holland


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