
Autopsy: The Last Hours of: George Michael

Autopsy: The Last Hours of (2018)

Dokumentar, Biografi, Dramë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 14 - George Michael


George Michael was one of the most brilliant performers of his generation. In a career spanning 35 years, his talent for creating enduring music led him to become one of the greatest recording artists of all time. Following global fame with the pop group Wham!, his solo career sent him into the stratosphere and for a time, it seemed, he was unstoppable. But the death of both his lover and mother, along with the pressures of hiding his homosexuality, resulted in severe depression.


Autopsy: The Last Hours ofAutopsy: The Last Hours ofAutopsy: The Last Hours ofAutopsy: The Last Hours ofAutopsy: The Last Hours of


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