
Beat Bobby Flay: New Kids on the Butcher Block

Beat Bobby Flay (2015)

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EPISODI: 10 - New Kids on the Butcher Block


Two former winners of Food Network Star, Jeff Mauro and Justin Warner, turn the tables on Bobby as they bring in two fantastic chefs to beat him. Bobby has his work cut out for him with sweet, but fiery, Chef Daniela D'Ambrosio and eager-to-prove-himself Chef Malcolm Mitchell fight for the right to show what they've got.


Beat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby FlayBeat Bobby Flay


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