
Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild

Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle (2021)

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British adventurer Ben Fogle visits utterly desolate places in different outward parts of the world where men, alone or with a family, forsake most modern comforts and almost any social life, for different motives. Ben spends a week with each, experiencing the hardships, challenges and rewards of a life in sync and constantly challenged by nature, largely dependent on one's own abilities.


Ben Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the Wild


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